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Historical Archive of the Music Publishing House Schott: Production Archive

The production archive from the Historical Archive of the music publisher B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz contains the musical sources that served as the content basis for the production process of approximately 41,000 Schott sheet music editions (engravings, proof copies, most recent printed edition, etc.). In terms of the history of origin, it ranges from the beginning of the publishing activities in the 18th century (publishing house number 1) to ca. 1945 (publishing house number 37.050), in a few individual cases even beyond that. The volumes of works were archived in ascending order of the plate numbers contained, reflecting the chronology of publication and the integration of completely acquired holdings from outside publishers. In total, the production archive comprises about 80,000 sources, consisting of about 60,000 items of printed music and 20,000 music manuscripts, as well as occasional supplementary material – such as notes on engraving and printing, text books, text transcriptions and translations of vocal works. The entire production archive (shelf mark 'Mus.Schott.Ha') is to be made accessible online in the BSB’s OPACplus or in RISM, and complete digitization is planned for all public domain works.

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